The sustainability workshop outlines the process from vision to purpose and, in a second step on February 16, guides participants through the process of developing their own logic model in relation to environmental and/or social sustainability aspects. At the end, participants should be able to precisely define their concise solutions for social and/or environmental impact.
In the first part, participants will be guided through some methods to identify their sustainable aspects in the concept of their business idea. Or they can specify their sustainable aspects. We will work on the internal perspective, on the "why" for the "what" in terms of sustainable action. In the next step, the participants reflect on their motives in a well-known sustainability framework, the 17 SDGs.
You can also take part in just one of the two sustainability workshops. It is not compulsory to take part in both parts.
Anett Lommatzsch arbeitet seit 2011 als Beraterin für Gründungen und bestehende Unternehmen. Ihre Schwerpunkte liegen auf der Organisationsentwicklung und Strategieberatung. Als ausgebildete Trainerin und Coach wendet sie gerne Techniken aus dem Coaching an, denn ihr ist es wichtig, das GründerInnen ihren individuellen Weg finden. Viele Wege führen nach Rom - und zu erfolgreichem Unternehmertum.
More Information
Registration is required for this event. Please log in to the "My BPW area".
To conduct the online event, we will use the video conferencing tool of Zoom Video Communications, Inc. You can find information on data protection here: By participating in the event, you agree to this data processing.